AI generated financial forecasts

We generate a complete financial forecast for your business, including Revenue, Expenses, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and more.Get started
Financials Forecast Hero
Profit & Loss

Trusted by 750k small businesses and industry leaders

Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Financial Forecast

Finish a financial forecast for your business plan faster than ever

Automatic financials, drag-and-drop forecasting, and AI powered financial forecast suggestions guarantee that your plan will be complete and correct. Your finished financial forecast will include everything a lender or investor would expect to see.

Baseline scenario
Hire two more employees
Start selling online

Make smarter decisions by answering any “what-if” question

Play with your numbers as you start or expand your business. Use financial forecast scenario planning tools to see how decisions will impact your bottom line. Answer essential questions like: What if the bank takes an extra 3 months to finance?

Your finished financial forecast will include everything a lender or investor would expect to see.

Financial forecasts you can trust - No spreadsheets required

Stay cash healthy & be ready for anything

With Venturekit, you can easily create a financial forecast that will help you stay cash healthy and be ready for anything.

Set realistic budgets and meet your financial goals

Budgeting is a breeze with Venturekit. Set realistic budgets and meet your financial goals with ease.

Manage your growth with a data-driven process

Venturekit helps you manage your growth with a data-driven process that will help you make better decisions.

We’ve helped thousands of small business owners create their dream business

ZenFlow Yoga Studio

How Venturekit helped ZenFlow Yoga Studio elevate its practice and business

Boulder, Colorado
Paws & Relax Grooming & Boarding

How Venturekit helped Paws & Relax Grooming & Boarding streamline operations

Tampa, Florida
Sweet & Savory Café & Bakery

How Venturekit helped Sweet & Savory Café & Bakery rise to the challenge

Portland, Oregon
Crunch & Munch Healthy Snacks

How Venturekit helped Crunch & Munch Healthy Snacks energize their growth

San Diego, California
Apex Realty Marketing

How Venturekit helped Apex Realty Marketing accelerate growth

Boston, Massachusetts
Culinary Creations Catering

How Venturekit helped Culinary Creations Catering spice up their business strategy

Chicago, Illinois
Baby Bliss Organics

How Venturekit helped Baby Bliss Organics serve healthy meals for little ones

Atlanta, Georgia
MobileMechanic Express

How Venturekit helped MobileMechanic Express drive success on the road

Houston, Texas
Tranquil Touch Massage Therapy

How Venturekit helped Tranquil Touch Massage Therapy redefine relaxation and growth

Austin, Texas
GreenScape Landscaping

How Venturekit helped GreenScape Landscaping lay the groundwork for a greener future

Denver, Colorado
Urban Bites Restaurant

How Venturekit helped Urban Bites Restaurant transform its growth

Seattle, Washington

“Venturekit made it so easy to form my business. Within a day I had my official papers, so exciting!

Every tool you need to plan for your business financials

Long-Term Forecasting

Plan a decade ahead with 1-6 year financial projections.

Visual Analysis

Gain actionable insights with dynamic charts and financial summaries.

What-If Analysis

Evaluate financial outcomes with scenario planning tools.

Integrated Reports

Directly embed detailed financials into your business plan.

Profitability Analysis

Required to set up a business bank account, file taxes, and start hiring.


Generate detailed three-way financial statements effortlessly.

Automated Taxation

Sales taxes and income taxes are automatically calculated and applied based on your location.

Multiple Currency Support

Works in any country and with any currency. Yuo can easily set taxation rates to your location.

Detailed Charts & Graphs

Generate graphical representations of cash flow data for easier interpretation and analysis.

Avoid wasting time with inferior business plan generators Our platform is used by the best

Private & confidential

We take your privacy seriously. We do not share your data, we do not use it to train our AI, and we only access it with your permission.

World-class customer support

Get phone, email, and live chat support from our Canada-based team, available 9am to 5pm M-F.

Expertly crafted

Our business plans are outlined, crafted, and designed by veteran entrepreneurs and business experts.

Experience modern business planning with Venturekit.


Frequently asked questions